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Financial Wellness:
Plan Today for a Rainy Day
September 2022 -良好的身心健康对妇女很重要, but it’s also wise to be in charge of your financial health, too.
Because an unforeseen event like a pandemic, job loss or health crisis can be stressful, it’s a smart idea to plan for the unexpected. 现在就提前计划可以为你和你的家人减轻一些压力. And, if you’re a mom, you want to be sure you’ve got your family taken care of, no matter what tomorrow brings.
COVID-19对整体就业产生了破坏性影响,尤其是对职业母亲. 在大流行前,与自己的学龄子女生活在一起的母亲中约有70%参加了工作. At the onset of the pandemic, nearly 45% of them were not actively working, 根据美国和加拿大联合进行的2020年当前人口调查.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
所以,重要的事情先做:在紧急情况发生之前建立一个应急基金. 专家建议,至少要有3到6个月(最好是12个月)的现金储备,而且要容易拿到. 高收益储蓄账户是存放应急资金的好地方. 这样你就可以赚取一点利息,同时把它与你的支票和其他账户分开. 即使你每个月投入几美元,你也会惊讶地发现它积累起来的速度有多快. And, it’ll be ready if and when you need it.
If that rainy day does come (and here’s hoping it doesn’t), 这里有一些关于如何在这段沙巴足球体育平台里最好地管理你的财务的建议.
Maintain Your Health Insurance
- In most cases, 你的公司提供的健康保险将一直有效到你失业的那个月底. 一定要向你的初级保健医生申请60天或90天的定期药物供应.
- COBRA allows workers who lose their benefits, such as through job loss, 有权选择在有限的沙巴足球体育平台内继续享受雇主提供的团体健康保险. 这种选择对保险范围的影响最小,但很可能会很昂贵. So, depending on your rainy-day savings, 你可能想在其他地方寻找医疗保险,或者只使用COBRA,直到你能获得其他保险.
- 你所在州的市场或健康保险交易所是健康保险的另一种选择. 你可以通过你所在州的网站找到这些机会. 你也可以探索医疗补助的选择,这是为低收入人群提供的健康保险. 儿童可能被医疗补助计划或你所在州的儿童健康保险计划(CHIP)所覆盖。.
Tip: 由于费用的原因,你可能很想放弃你的健康保险, 但重要的是要保持保险,以避免昂贵的医疗费用,如果你或你的孩子在这段沙巴足球体育平台出现健康沙巴体育平台点击进入.
Manage Your Debt
- Student loans: 通过你的学生贷款服务商的网站更新你的收入,或者给他们打电话要求调整你的还款.
Tip: 永远不要花钱请外部公司帮你偿还联邦学生贷款. Your loan servicer will help you for free. 联系你的服务机构申请以收入为导向的还款计划,学生贷款减免等等.
- Credit card debt: Pay your credit card minimums on time. Avoid late payments since they can hurt your credit score. If you have an excellent credit score, 考虑信用卡债务合并,将多个信用卡余额合并为一个月付款,在促销期间不收取利息. A good balance transfer card will not charge an annual fee, 但许多发行机构收取的一次性余额转帐费为转帐金额的3%至5%. Before you choose this option, 计算一下,随着沙巴足球体育平台的推移,你省下的利息是否能抵销这笔费用.
Tip: 打电话给你的信用卡公司,要求降低利率或提供困难计划. Also, ask if they offer a balance transfer offer.
- Mortgage/Rent: If you have a mortgage, call your lender to discuss your options, 例如可以提供一些临时救济或抵押贷款延期的困难计划. Before agreeing to these or other options, 在虚线上签字之前,一定要看懂细则. 如果你付房租,打电话给你的房东讨论你的情况.
Reduce Your Expenses
Review fixed expenses.
- 回顾一下你的标准月供,看看是否有什么东西是你和你的家人可以不需要的. Think about the “extras” like streaming, landscaping or cleaning services, or kids’ extracurricular activities, such as dance or music lessons.
Tip: Call your service providers, including the gas, electric, cable and phone company, and explain your situation. You may be able to temporarily reduce your monthly bills.
Adjust variable spending.
- 想想你可以从每月的预算中削减什么,比如带孩子出去吃披萨、看电影或在杂货店里冲动购物.
- Cook and eat more at home. Get your kids involved in the kitchen and try some of these healthy recipes, many of which are budget-friendly.
- Watch movies at home and pop your own popcorn.
Tip: Try using cash rather than credit cards when possible. 用实际的钱购物可以帮助你更容易地说明你买了什么.
Utilize community and state resources.
- Check out local food pantries and the Little Free Pantry 在你的学区建立关系网和午餐计划,这可以帮助你进一步扩大家庭的食物预算.
- 和你的孩子一起去当地的图书馆看免费的书、电影、沙巴体育平台点击进入、活动等等.
- Look for Little Free Libraries in your area for easy access to free book sharing.
- Consider selling unwanted or unneeded items, such as kids’ clothes or toys they’ve outgrown, for some extra cash at local consignment shops.
- Go online to determine if you are eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program).
Tip: Call 211 to find about local resources.